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The Technology Campus of Science and Technology Park of Tarbiat Modares University Is Opened/Sattari: Reliance of the Innovation Ecosystem is the Solution to Beat Corona

The Technology Campus of Science and Technology Park of Tarbiat Modares University Is Opened/Sattari: Reliance of the Innovation Ecosystem is the Solution to Beat Corona


During the opening ceremony of the technology campus of science and technology park in Tarbiat Modares University, Sattari stated: we will beat the coronavirus and pass this hard economic time and sanctions against Iran only by relying on the ability of the youth.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the technology campus of science and technology park in Tarbiat Modares University was opened. During the ceremony, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, expressed: the thinking and creativity of the youth is the only way to save the country from the current difficult conditions. We believe it is young people who can find a way out of the corona crisis.

He continued: sanctions and hardship conditions create innovation. All the world"s top entrepreneurs are those who have lived in difficult economic conditions.

According to Sattari, it is no longer possible to rotate the country"s economic wheels with oil and oil culture. It is the thinking of young people that can lead to economic prosperity.

The president of the national elites foundation added: only relying on internal capabilities can meet the country"s needs. Even the current situation created by the spread of Corona in the country can be resolved by domestic capabilities.

Sattari also marked: there are great knowledge-based companies working in the field of drug and medical equipment production in the country, which can provide proper services to people in the fight against coronavirus.

Sattari believes the product is the result of private sector investment. No product is produced with government money. In addition, no university in the world produces automobiles, vaccines or medicines, but it is university companies that produce these products with the help of students and professors.

Sattari also affirmed: the coronavirus epidemic in the country is treatable with scientific creativity and we have used ways to reduce the spread of the disease in the country.

Pointing out the importance of increasing the effectiveness of universities in society, the vice president for science and technology affairs asserted: it means that people must benefit from the presence of faculty members of universities and students.

According to Sattari, knowledge-based economy is the only economy that can increase the effectiveness of universities in society. This economy is based on workforce and not money or capital.

The president of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter added: an innovation and technology ecosystem must be formed in the country since oil and oil culture no longer responds people’s needs.

He also mentioned: a country with 34 million young people and numerous universities is not governed by oil thinking and must be managed with the help of the innovation ecosystem.

According to Sattari, we can only be proud of our domestic capabilities in the face of tough sanctions and the coronation epidemic in the country. These abilities in the form of creativity can be the way to save people and the country. Sanctions and hardships generate innovation and creativity.

Pointing out that knowledge-based companies have high capabilities to produce medical equipment and drugs, adding: these knowledge-based companies can help people prevent and detect corona disease.

The vice president for science and technology affairs emphasized: companies involved in the production of nano-masks and disinfectants can also meet the needs of the community, as well as expanding their market.

Sattari also stated: the severe sanctions, economic downturns and the outbreak of corona have marketed some knowledge-based products and slowed the business of some knowledge-based corporations, but we must seize the unique opportunity to grow our domestic capabilities.

According to Sattari, Iran is unique in the world of biotechnology in the world and in the region. Production of complex biologic drugs in Iran is one of our honors. I believe biotech is in Iranian blood.

Pointing out the establishment of online academic education in universities and schools, he marked: applying this creative approach results in limitations and difficulties. In fact, we have used methods that are new and we haven"t used these techniques yet.

According to Sattari, universities are the main pillar of knowledge-based economy. In this regard, he added: increasing the effectiveness of universities in society is a goal that must be met.

Sattari believes that the effectiveness of Tarbiat Modares University must increase in community and among the people owing to its high scientific capacity.

Sattari also affirmed: the Vice-Presidency supports any act that could lead to innovation and technology development in the country.


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  • News code : 49883


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